The first tablet of Google before the month of July

The first raid on Google tablet market will be made ​​before the month of July. Despite the current project to see him ready for the month of May, Google had to reconsider the issue to make other changes to the device. The team at Mountain View is currently engaged in bringing the price below the threshold of $ 249, as already collaborating with AsusTek Computer in the implementation of the 7-inch model with Nvidia Tegra 3, only Wi-Fi connectivity and Android Ice Cream Sandwich to move throughout the system.
According to latest estimates, the price had already been wandering between $ 199 and $ 149 in order to diminish competition from Amazon with the Kindle Fire , the Color Nook and an alleged iPad Mini always display about 7 inches which is rumored could be presented at the next conference in June Apple (probably just rumor).
Other sources have reported instead the reasons for the delay in the commercialization of the first tablet of Google, the adoption of the next version of Android, the Jelly Bean of which we still know little or nothing and we'll see that maybe, just next to the Google I / O. It would, however unlikely such a solution since the project was entirely developed on Android 4.0 and to adapt and optimize the hardware to a new distribution Android would not be enough two or three months.
Not forthcoming then the first to see the debut of the house in Mountain View in the tablet segment, an expectation that if he is rewarded by a price in line with expectations and hardware that reflects the speculation so far come to light, it would be worth waiting a little longer.

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