Apple's fall already written?

Life is a roller-coaster, it goes up and down! Such could be the conclusion of the analyst who predicted (not without justification) that the company Apple is going to experience a significant decline from a certain point.
This analyst is George Colony, CEO of the agency Forrester Research analyst, who after studying the evolution of Apple in recent years predicted a fall ... which should be very important! But tell me this is normal after climbing as high in the phone industry by revolutionizing our phones, then in the computer world by revolutionizing the use of notebooks with the arrival of the iPad in 2010 .

But that's not all! Main cause of this decline, the death of the charismatic Steve Jobs replaced since August 2011 by Tim Cook.

It stated:

"In organizations charismatic, magical leader must make way for another leader magical - the emotional connection between employees, the public and the mark required. "

George Colony provides that the company will switch to Apple's decline in two years the image of brands like Sony and Disney ...

So does the iPhone 6S will be the last vintage of Apple is that the Apple brand to be able to find in the depths of his bowels innovations capable of surprising us and conquer us? The future will tell ...

And you think that you have thoughts of the analyst? You join them? Or are you inclined to oppose the idea of ​​seeing Apple go quietly to hell?

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