Galaxy S3: new images from Brazil, is he?

And 'he or is not He? More photos coming directly from Gizomodo brazil top range of the new Samsung . Images show a very similar device all'i9300 already seen a few weeks ago and could confirm that the product appearance. Anchors that are slowly going to dial one of the most difficult puzzle ever seen so much hype and the almost complete lack of realistic information on the new top range Samsung.
According to the source of the camera is 12 megapixels, and offers an HD display always as hypothesized. Unfortunately, once again, there are different opinions they see on the one hand an uncertainty on the fact that that in the photo is really the top range Samsung or simply a model slightly lower, in line with HTC One X and HTC One S. From the other Galaxy S3 has always been "masked" by the manufacturer with a design is not real and enclosed within a shell prototype in order to avoid leaks and images such as those we see.

You just have to wait until next May 3 to find out all the details of the new range of Samsung Galaxy.

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