Samsung and Korea Telecom operators are testing the Galaxy S III

According to South Korean media AsiaE reports, Samsung has begun the process seems to be better than expected together with the South Korean telecom operators to test the Galaxy S III, test difficult. The news that the testing standards for the general time of 60 days, but Samsung want faster, but unfortunately due to new hardware, makes this test somewhat difficult.
The news that the Galaxy S III is a quad-core mobile phone, but the strange thing is, Samsung's quad-core mobile phone release than the other competitors such as LG, HTC, Huawei, ZTE a lot of time later, while Sony and Motorola did not seem anxious to launch The quad-core models, is to focus on other features. The news that the Galaxy S-III will be equipped with quad-core processors will be with a 4.3-inch 1280 x 720 pixels screen, equipped the Andrews ICS operating system, support for the NFC, the ceramic shell, 2GB RAM, equipped with a microSD card slot. Reported that this much-anticipated mobile phone will be released in the summer Samsung "unpacked" conference.

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