Tegra 4 specification first exposure: the A15 architecture is 4 + core

The NVIDIA Tegra processor has just become very popular in the tablet machine and the smart phone , the VR-Zone today received some specifications about the next generation of the Tegra. The Tegra 4 codename Wayne (Batman Wayne) on the official road map is scheduled for 2012, but actually to 2013 will be launched, and most models have to wait until after a year and a half.
According to the latest intelligence, the Tegra will have four different models, but only three of which will be based on the latest ARM Cortex-A15 processor architecture, the other a will continue to follow the Tegra A9 architecture, while the core configuration or "4 - the PLUS-1 ", that is, the four main core plus a secondary core.

The first quarter of 2013, starting flagship model clocked at 1.8GHz, high-end positioning, for the 10-inch flat-panel machine equipment to the third quarter will be upgraded to 2.0GHz.

Is the same in the third quarter of next year, the two mainstream models will be available, one of the A15 architecture, clocked at 1.2-1.8GHz, still for the 10-inch flat-panel machine, market positioning will be more mainstream and even can bring cheap products The second is the A9 architecture, clocked at 1.2-2.0GHz, 7 inch tablet and smartphone-oriented, and in particular, by adding support on LTE100/HSPA42 network.

This will be the first Tegra to support LTE networks, can make up for the Tegra 3 is unable to support LTE, leading to a large number of 4G mobile phone to switch to the shortcomings of the Qualcomm platform.

As to the exact specifications of the GeForce GPU graphics core integrated in the Tegra 4, does not yet have a more accurate statement.

Obviously, until the second half of 2013 is the Tegra 4 real heat and light for the beginning of the year and a half before that will still see the Tegra 3, so come back to look at the Tegra 3 of the six models of frequency specifications, put into operation in progress.

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