From Cupcake Ice Cream Sandwich Honeycomb passing: the sweet path of Android

It's been 3 years now from the commercialization of the first Android device , and many certainly do not remember the first versions of the operating system. It all started with the HTC Dream, the first Android Phone in history to reach the international market. Since then, much progress has been made ​​and we now review together how it changed the Home of the system over the years.
First Android distributions that have taken place:

  • Cupcake
  • Donut
  • Eclair
  • Froyo
  • Gingerbread
  • Honeycomb
  • Ice Cream Sandwich
It took 7 different versions of the operating system with an average of more than 2 updates per year to reach today. In fact, before we saw earlier Cupcake system but the consensus is beginning to establish the commercial system with Android 1.5. Many differences, innovations and developments that demonstrate how Android is now the most popular sites in the mobile sector. Let's start with order:

The beginnings of Android on video - 11/nov/2007

Android 1.5: Cupcake
Arrives on the market in our country with HTC Magic and Galaxy i7500 and of course is also HTC Dream. A system that quickly demonstrates graphically interesting but very thin. In fact, when already the iPhone Cupcake arriving, with his same home today, was known worldwide and provided a very accurate and graphically pleasing UI.
Android is not surprising, therefore, certainly for aesthetic beauty, quality of entertainment icons or menus. Home A simple, minimalist with an arrow to open the drop-down menu to say the least simple. A structure that was already clear, however, designed and conceived, and that we will not change at the conceptual level.

Android 1.6: Donut
From the Cupcake Donut is really minimal. They find themselves more clearly defined aesthetic elements, widgets and some icons graphically treated as best-designed but the home remains virtually identical to the previous distribution.
However with this version of software you begin to see the important software customizations. HTC with Sense had shown Cupcake Hero, but with Android 1.6 that manufacturers are starting to believe more in this operating system.
Donut was not long-lived, however, one of the distributions of Android and soon was abandoned to switch to Eclair.

Android 2.1: Eclair
With Eclair comes the real turning point, the complete change of direction and major modification of the home of Android. Let's say that Eclair is the system that put the evidence base that we find today is the real father and that up to experience Android Gingerbread
Android 2.1 comes with many new fact. In fact we have seen before 2.1 Eclair Eclair 2.0 for about 1 month exclusive on Motorola Milestone has re-launched the brand of the house Winged recover from a deep crisis.
So they see new animated backgrounds, a more refined UI, a new menu for applications, preview the home, 5 pages to insert different widgets (new), and programs.
Eclair is also the system that sees the debut of the first Google Phone, the Nexus , the founder of the Nexus family. So Android 2.1 has not only brought new, but it was the system that has upset the mobile industry with software and hardware specific.

Android 2.2: Froyo
From Eclair to Froyo is a short step. The new features are minor compared to the jump from version 1.x to 2.x, but they are important. Froyo, still used on many, too many smartphones, is a mature system, complete and offers a wide range of applications.

The home was slightly improved by inserting two new links menu button next to the telephone and internet browser. Froyo keeps the new set of icons introduced by Eclair even if we find some small modifications to domestic programs and widgets system.

With Froyo comes a myriad of Android, and probably has the real boom of Android. The growth of the system with the arrival of Android 2.2 suffers an important boost today is not finished yet. Virtually all the producers who had not yet proposed Android smartphone launch into this sector often finding significant sales numbers.

Android 2.3: Gingerbread
But it comes with Gingerbread change color of that today accompanies the new Android device. Accomplice Super AMOLED technology and the Nexus S , according to Google Phone's history and the first to introduce about 1 year ago, Android 2.3, the system will arrive dressed in black and green colors for icons, notifications and status bar.

Android version 1.5 to version 2.2 had not yet seen a major change to the status bar that happens, however, with Gingerbread and greatly improves the visual quality of the operating system. Come new animated backgrounds, new icons for applications, a new Android Market, new widgets and a much better system stability. Increasingly powerful hardware and the debut of dual core is the history of 2011. We are in fact already in 2011 in this sees at the top of the Android operating system in just 3 years.

Android 3.0: Honeycomb
One area that the mobile does not only speak the language of smartphones but also introduces the Apple iPad Tablet and, arrived in 2010, is one of the most interesting new releases.

Here, then, that Google has at the beginning of 2011 and the sector Honeycomb Tablet. Xoom is the first but as we saw today many manufacturers have embraced the tablet segment.

Honeycomb is a modified version of Gingerbred but it is a new generation gap through which changes the version 2.x through 3.x Honeycomb brings lots of news in terms of graphics, completely different from Android seen so far and with a much larger set of APIs.

The home is completely different and optimized for large screens. Increase the resolution to 1280x800 pixels and change the internal structure of Android. Honeycomb is a stopgap, however, to counter the iPad and its maturing in October 2011 to arrive ...

Android 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
Android 4.0 comes in fact, he sees yet another generational leap in 2011 that as many as 3 different distributions:

  • Gingerbread
  • Honeycomb
  • Ice Cream Sandwich 
Google Android 4.0, which will unify the Smartphone and Tablet platforms under one umbrella. Galaxy Nexus is the smartphone that will make developers and fans to know the new system in 2012 and that Google will find new smartphones and Tablet Android ready to impose as the system reference in the mobile world.
The home changed, is renewed by taking everything good has been done on Honeycomb and bringing it to version smartphones. 5 are now the icons on the bottom bar, four of which change with other applications or folders. Notifications, status bar, widgets and full Ui completely redesigned and much more carefully. System will be very mature, beautiful, clean and tidy which will soon debut in the world.

This is the story of Android until now seeing a change in the distributions of the various home that have followed. What awaits us in the future?  Jelly Beans may be the answer? Do not just have to wait ...

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