The information on the chips, AMD Opteron 6000

The network has information about new processors, AMD. It is known that they are designed for servers and will be released later this year.

New items will belong to the generation of Opteron 6000, and their production will be used by architecture Bulldozer.

The published information was eight-Opteron 6212, Opteron 6238, as well as two Opteron 6274 and Opteron 6282 SE.

Will be the most powerful Opteron 6274 and Opteron 6282 SE. Their sixteen cores will be able to operate at a frequency of 2.2GHz and 2.5GHz respectively. Second-level cache will be 8MB (third - 16 MB). In a special mode Turbo Core frequency can reach an impressive 2.8 GHz per core Opteron in 6274, and 3.1 GHz Opteron 6282 SE. If you use one or two cores, these amount to 3.2 GHz frequency and 3.5 GHz respectively.

In 6238 Opteron cache 6MB of second and third level 12 MB, and the base frequency - 2.5 GHz (Turbo Core 3.1GGts in kernel mode, 1.2 3.3 GHz). We Opteron 6212 this figure is 4 MB and 8 MB second third base 2.8 GHz (in the mode to Turbo Core 3.7 GHz).

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