Steve Jobs will be buried in a Buddhist ceremony

Ex-Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who died Wednesday after a long illness at the age of 56 years, will be buried according to Buddhist tradition, said the publication ArtLyst.
According to their beliefs Jobs Buddhist. This faith he took in 1973 during his visit to India, for which he gave up teaching in a liberal arts college in the United States. Home founder of Apple went with the shaved head and traditional Indian garb.

As Jobs said then: "In Buddhism, there is such a thing - the mind begins. It's so cool - to have the mind begins. " This is such a mind that sees things as they really are. It is the mind, freed from prejudices and expectations, authoritative opinions and prejudices. Mind Beginner think so to look at things as a small child looks at a world full of curiosity, amazement and wonder.

According to the city of Sacramento, at the funeral, which are broadcast media, will be held on the weekend, there will be only the closest people. Relatives of the deceased has not yet been reported burial place of worship manager.

How will the funeral of Steve Jobs? It is possible that the ceremony will take place exactly according to prevalent in Japanese Zen Buddhism.

In the South, the birthplace of Buddhism, and Southeast Asian Buddhist funeral rites include a lush, which may last for several days. In the coffin is placed objects, which "help" the deceased - a lantern, so as not to lose the money to pay off the evil spirits, and so on. Days from the date of death until burial in Thai villages like holiday festivals - family feast. The more noise the better, because it is thought to deter evil spirits. In Japanese the same families for this purpose are hiring a professional priest, whose job is to strike a gong and chanting.  Such a ritual can be performed and the patient's bedside.

If a person's death disastrous for the whole of society then, according to the Buddhist view, it is necessary to conduct the ceremony, followed by the reading of sacred texts. So do the adherents of orthodox Buddhism - Theravada - on the island of Sri Lanka. Monks carrying out this ritual, sit in a row and read the sutras, passing from hand to hand ritual white cord. It lasts 24 hours and can be repeated several days in a row.

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