2.5 million tweets about Steve Jobs for 13 hours [photo]

Owners on Twitter have created a portrait of Steve Jobs from user input. The resulting image was published on photohosting Flickr.
In creating a portrait of the founder of Apple users are involved, who used their speeches hashtag # thankyousteve («Thank you, Steve.") Hashtag - a label that combines messages into groups. For portraits were selected tweets, published after four and a half hours after the death of Jobs. In this same message in a portrait is not, as reprinted posts were filtered out. Among the messages, of which the portrait was created, there is a desire to rest in iRayu Jobs (iParadise).

Throughout the main themes in Thursday's Twitter kept several trends on Jobs, among them was the name of the founder of Apple, written in Cyrillic. Administration of the service has recorded 2.5 million tweets in 13 hours after the announcement of the death of the former head of Apple. After 30 minutes, after the publication of news on the official website of the company, appeared on the Internet in 1081 blog posts, articles in the media in 1790, 618 posts in the forums and nearly 250 000 reports on Twitter, of which 13 hours later had increased to 2.5 million

See picture on the official site Flickr , there is available the original image resolution of 7000 x 6386 pixels .

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