Google Chrome OS interface elements borrowed from Mac OS X and Windows

Chrome OS platform was announced several years ago, based on it was released a few  and more recently of her little heard. This system is almost entirely built on the browser, Google, has become the first truly "cloud" operating system. All the programs that you can use it - a web-based applications running in the browser. She looked almost exactly like the popular Internet browser Chrome. But these days it grasped some interface changes, and then where they are taken, there is no doubt.
With the latest update platform Google has moved away from some of the fundamental principles advocated by it earlier in the Chrome OS. Radel Company for its ease of interface and maximum protection of the product, but ultimately voted in favor of the consumer functionality for the sake of which was changed appearance.

In its latest reincarnation of the Chrome OS has got the task bar, similar to those in Microsoft Windows (Shelf or "shelf"), as well as a special section to run the programs, Launchpad reminiscent of OS X Lion.
New window interface is called Aura and it supports hardware acceleration. Google is particularly distinguished by having a full window manager, although the application, as in previous versions of Chrome OS, run in a separate browser tabs. On the other hand, the launcher from the OS X allows much faster to run the programs. According to representatives of Google, as a sense of Aura in the introduction to the system of graphic effects, and to create a flexible window system.

Also search giant updated SDK for the Chrome OS, adding a framework for working with Aura. Other innovations include the support platform archives tar, gz and bzip2, as well as improving the function of simultaneous work with multiple monitors.

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