[The head of Nokia] Multi-Core Processors in Smartphones - a waste of battery

The head of Nokia in an interview with Stephen Elop Chinese newspaper Yangcheng Evening News repeated his argument that the dual-and quad-core processors - a luxury for mobile devices. According to Elop, the use of multi-core chips in smart phones is a waste of battery.
The current flagship of Nokia -  Lumia 900 and  800 , running on Windows Phone, are based on processors with a clock frequency of 1.4 GHz, equipped with a single nucleus. CEO of the Finnish manufacturer was in favor of such a situation, saying that the phones do not need a multi-solutions.

"The so-called dual-and quad-core mobile phone waste battery use, they do not fully buyers" - said Elop.

"You do not need a quad-core mobile, at least until you want to warm their hands in their pockets," - he said earlier.

The words may well be Elop seen as an attempt to make a good face on a bad game. Operating system Windows Phone from Microsoft simply does not yet know how to work with two cores. However, according to studies, regular users in most cases prefer single-core multi-core smartphone. This is sure, and Apple, which in October last year introduced a dual-core iPhone 4S.

The thesis that the single-core smartphone running WP7 able to compete on speed with the iPhone and Android-devices was backed by Microsoft, which launched an aggressive advertising campaign for its mobile platform. According to Elop, phone 900 Lumia has never lost an iPhone or Android-smartphone performance, despite the presence in the last two-and quad-core processors.

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