In American churches are ever more using the iPhone and the iPad

Priests in American churches have noted an interesting trend - more and more visitors to use their mobile Apple devices during worship, Writes the Chicago Tribune. So people seek to better understand their preachers.
Easter Week in the U.S. has traditionally been one of the peaks of church attendance. The faithful have recourse to modern technology, to better grasp the details of their faith, to clarify for yourself what you do not understand.

It is reported that visitors to the church use their iPad and iPhone, to search for the context of the sermon on the Internet or in special applications with religious texts. Someone left the church after visiting his impressions on Twitter.

The Catholic Church does not preclude such an unusual manifestation of faith. Above all, in the opinion of the clergy to technology used for communication with the Lord, and did not represent an opportunity to play Angry Birds during the sermon. Some churches even arranged a free Wi-Fi, so that parishioners can easily access the Internet.
The church already has experience with the congregation with the help of high technology. There are several applications from the specifics of the Christian, they can help priests prepare sermons, and the believers - to make a confession.

The head of the Catholic Church is also not lagging behind the progress, the current Pope Benedict XVI has iPad tablet , with which it is microblogging on Twitter.

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