HTC One S and One X: a claim to the material

Last week kicked off the European sales of smartphones series HTC One. HTC One V, One S and One X aroused great interest of the public before the sales, but some want to first time buyers waiting for reviews to those experienced in real smartphones, and identified problems that may occur during prolonged operation of devices.
Unfortunately, the reviews of owners One X and S suggests that the problem really is and some of them can not be solved by simply updating the firmware.
According to European users of black HTC One S, so much touted ceramic coating obtained by plasma treatment of aluminum billets , has one defect - it starts with case in respect to the "critical" areas . As proof that there are photos from one of the visitors to the forum XDA. He argues that the smartphone it is used quite carefully and not fall to any significant height. Incidentally, plasma electrolytic oxidation, as is sometimes translated Micro Arc Oxidation, does not protect against attacks, but only from scratches, corrosion and weather factors. I would like to believe that these are isolated cases or a marriage party, so what are waiting for feedback from you, our readers.
The problems are not spared and flagship smartphone HTC One X. According to Paul O'Brien (Paul O'Brien), known as the founder of the portal for developers MoDaCo, covering the plastic cell phones  easily scratched during normal use . This is due to the fact that he did not recessed inside and touches the surface on which is placed a smartphone. By the way, about this issue speaks not only Paul, but other users of this smartphone. The described injuries lead to problems with focusing. If you, our readers, as well faced with covering up scratches on the plastic chamber, then ask you to write about it in the comments.
The only smartphone Series One, about the structural problems which have not yet conducted discussions on the web - HTC One V. Really, the most accessible of the series turned out, and the most successful in terms of design? If you can point to some problems with the device, we ask in the comments. Remember, your message can help make the choice to another person.  [VIA MoDaCo ]

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