In Novosibirsk, found in a taxi the next generation iPhone [video]

The sensation of the day following material will be shown on Channel Five. No, it's not April Fool's joke, as it may seem all very seriously. Journalists claim that in Novosibirsk was found in a taxi, "the next generation Apple phone, which is not yet on sale."
The unfortunate gadget found a local taxi driver in the back seat. According to the journalists to leave the iPhone 5 could have a passing tourist from China, now an unusual finding discusses the entire Novosibirsk, wondering if this issue as it may not yet released for sale device to be here for 1,000 miles from Cupertino.

"Vendors phones his eyes did not believe, with almost 100% certain that it is nothing but a fifth-generation iPhone" - the story begins telecasts.

It is suggested that work on the new iPhone Novosibirsk scientists. "We know that an application for Apple's products are written accurately, and perhaps the operating system itself creates" - suggests the reporter.
"The processor is, superficially, the same as the third in a new iPad, which allows us to assume that it is exactly the same ... the quad," - says a specially invited expert of the program.

What is this device is Apple, which discusses the entire Novosibirsk is not known. One thing is certain - if this is really a prototype smartphone to Apple, the next generation iPhone will be the first iOS-phone with two SIM-cards.

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