[iPad] become frequently used term?

Apple has made great efforts to achieve the popularity of tablet PCs iPad. But the lead “Apple” device on the market poses a danger: the transition of a trademark into general use may lead to the cessation of its legal remedies, and opens up the possibility of its use by any company, says Associated Press.
iPad is actually marked the beginning of a new era of "post-PC". Analysts estimate that last year the world market for such gadgets has reached 65.2 million units. The share of "fruit" of the corporation which realized 40.5 million was 62%.

The development process of any brand is continuous: even after he begins to own "work" on the market and generate revenue, the company needs to implement its continuous updating. History knows many examples when the name of a particular product become commonly used descriptive term.

For example, the owners of such popular brands as "Pampers" or "Xerox" spend large sums of money in order to teach consumers the right to use their trademarks. Television commercials are constantly repeated "nappy PAMPERS" instead of a simple "PAMPERS". All these efforts failed to prevent the transformation of the word "pamers" in the vernacular term for disposable diapers, as well as they can not prevent the transformation of the word "Hi" in the vernacular noun.

If the promotional materials of the word "Hi" to any copier is almost gone, in a lively speech, it is still a household word.

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