iPhone 5 will receive a fundamentally new display

According to Taiwan's Internet resource Digitimes citing sources at component suppliers, phone the next generation iPhone will fundamentally new technology of the touch screen.
According to the newspaper, the sensory panel for future iPhone will be created by technology «in-cell touch» and two Japanese manufacturers - Sharp, as well as a subsidiary of Toshiba - are currently working on them.

The peculiarity of this technology lies in the fact that multi-touch technology integrated directly into the thin-film transistor TFT panels during manufacturing, rather than after it posted on how it was until now. Among the advantages of this approach to the creation of touchscreens - more rapid response to a touch screen and lighter weight.

It is reported that most of the Asian manufacturers are interested in this display is a method of production. Apple commissioned by Japanese vendors will release similar touch panels in the second quarter, while the new iPhone will have to leave during the third quarter of this year, said a source.

As we reported earlier , the main producer of wireless components Qualcomm faced a difficult delivery of some mobile chips, including a new 28-nanometer chip, focused on LTE-Apple devices of new generation. Therefore, the next release of its flagship iPhone will not until the autumn of this year.

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