More and more business people begin to abandon the embrace of the iPhone to return to BlackBerry

$ 63 to Europe less than two days, the cost of data to send and receive mail is the digital operator kindly reminded me, but I have to continue to use it, I went back to the United States I'm afraid the data bill is a few hundred dollars, I started to miss the days of using the BlackBerry, to be exact, this time back to the United States I am ready to re-enter the embrace of the BlackBerry. "who often travel in Europe and North America said.
In recent years, the BlackBerry smartphone market share is increasingly decline, the former lead proud of the push mail service, Apple's push mail check, also appears to the lack of competitiveness. But more and more business awareness aware of a problem, compared to the BlackBerry e-mail high compression ratio and low BIS network service charges, Apple's high cost of data outside one of its major weakness. Analysts Brussels said: "If Apple can not effectively control messages generated by the large number of traffic costs in some areas it may start losing users. And another had pointed out that the problem is that Apple's battery life, although the BlackBerry this respect also the performance is not satisfactory, but the BlackBerry battery can replace the battery, this will alleviate a lot of battery pressure. Apple seems to be indifferent on this issue but we believe that only business people returning is not will BlackBerry now the situation is significantly changed, if the BlackBerry would like to become more competitive in the market, it needs something new.

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