Optimus 2X LG Xenon flash in Korea but in reality has always been only LED

Sensational slip happened recently at LG in South Korea, native country of the manufacturer, after one year from the sale of ' LG Optimus 2X . The management has publicly admitted that he constantly promoted the device as a type of flash Xenon when in fact it has always been a normal LED. A Xenon flash provides superior illumination and is often used in stand-alone cameras, for a producer so it is more expensive to integrate the device in addition to having to run into a higher consumption of energy than LED unit, occupying a space larger on the PCB and finally to the user the lack of being able to take videos to flash on.
LG on his part to publicly apologized for the mistake, with the promise that such a situation does not happen again. Meanwhile, however, over 400,000 units of smartphones have been sold all over the South Korean territory, and now many of the buyers demand a refund, claiming to victims of misleading advertising.
Undoubtedly a big mistake even if the situation is almost comical. If an inexperienced user may not be easy to understand the difference between a xenon flash and an LED to the naked eye (except that maybe would not be able to appreciate even use), for those slightly more informed, it is certainly difficult know right away if you have one in front of an LED or Xenon.

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