S-Cloud: Cloud arrive on Samsung already anticipated

With regard to the expandable memory manufacturer may choose to eliminate the external support in order to push the cloud, Google is that maybe in a proprietary solution (...) and still offer 32GB of memory available that is considered sufficient for most users.
How often have noticed in various articles, we can never be direct and write clearly in advance of any products and presentations. And a clear reference to what today is written by Theverge. 

S-Cloud should be the name of Samsung's proprietary solution for sharing, archiving and storage of their data in the Cloud. The space should be initially 5GB and could be integrated within it a range of services such as Samsung TV, Streaming, Music and other multimedia content.
S-Cloud should be submitted along with the new Galaxy on the 3rd of May and arrive in the following months with a commercial launch is extended to America and Europe. You just have to wait for the presentation and developments.

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