Google: a patent to use the phone with our movements

Assuming that only a fraction of patents filed by companies then become real, Google wants to expand the functionality of the accelerometer at the moment is limited to the management of the rotation of the display and use of games. For this purpose has been filed documents that provides for the union of the various sensors of movement and position in order to automate some actions of the device.
In practice, after a hypothetical period of teaching, as is necessary to "learn" the habits of our device, the phone should be able to launch certain applications or settings as profiles of our movements. Not just using the accelerometer and the spatial coordinates of the device, but also using GPS and geolocation to change any parameters.
It is also conceivable that the use can be extended also to the use of smartphones with the movements, or turning, tilting and moving the device in a certain way in order to perform specific actions.
This is not a new idea, there are already applications that take advantage of these sensors are used to activate different features. Certainly a system made in Google and more refined and integrated could be interesting.

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