Samsung Galaxy S3 could have a original technology for better definition of the Super AMOLED Plus HD

Combining the information coming in very low, Korea, the new Galaxy S3 slowly taking shape. If we take as true the news this morning that would see the new device with a physical home button and the Touch Wiz home with 5 keys , the concept depicted in the picture might not be so far away from a hypothetical reality. Obviously, until we have precise information is hard to imagine, but among the large display, thin and more or less confirmed keys may not be so risky the image above. According to the latest information, the Super AMOLED Plus HD Display will be mounted on the top range 2012, will not have the same technology used on the Tab 7.7, but will be more refined and have more definition.
To clarify retrace roughly the characteristics of the display. The screens are of type Amoled PenTile, or are formed by a series of pixels that have a composition less refined compared to the same pixels which compose a LCD display classic. Other hand have a greater depth of color, crisper blacks and colors more contrasted.

PenTile are the screen S Galaxy, Galaxy and Galaxy Nexus Notes and therefore vary in magnitude to that resolution. Although Galaxy Notes and Nexus have an HD display, at the level of PPI (pixels per inch) is not possible to consider the density of pixels as a "true HD" because PenTile displays have lower resolution and pixel density compared to the same screen but with LCD technology.

Samsung has developed so the variation of the AMOLED Plus which basically increases the number of subpixels improved definition, clarity and factual clarity. Screens that are not defined-PenTile and are adopted by the range and S2 Galaxy, Galaxy Tab 7.7. Although Table 7.7 in both HD (1280 × 800) its definition is not likely to be considered on a par with an LCD display as the number of individual pixels that make up the image is less although invisible to the eye.
To be able to break through this barrier, or for creating pixel smaller than 15 micrometers, Samsung have adopted the technology  Laser-Induced Thermal Imaging (DISPUTES)that would create pixels of only 2.5 micrometers. One feature that in fact the producer had already shown but never really implemented, and who he could do now, with the launch of the new Top Range.

According to the image you see above fact, this new solution display should arrive shortly with a beginning of its considerable manufacturing units in Q2 2012. The new AMOLED screen should still be a combination of technology FMM (Fine Metal Mask) and the DISPUTES (Laser-Induced Thermal Imaging) in order to have a definition never seen before on AMOLED panels, bright colors, perfect contrast and no effect of "heavenly" for whites that would be comparable to the best then IPS display on the market.
We will see this really the new top range Samsung?

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