Smartphone owners secured are not twitter and do not play games

Analysts from the American company Luxury Institute found that people with incomes above 150,000 dollars a year are rarely run on the smartphone game, and almost do not use social networks. Instead, users are provided with smart phones to read the news and working with business applications.
Milton Pedraza, head of the Luxury Institute pointed out that when a person gets older and acquires a family, the entertainment and communication applications in social networks, he prefers the more important things.

As for smartphones, which are selected rich, 45% prefer the telephone iPhone, 35% are choosing a handset to Android, and 15% - BlackBerry, experts say.

It is interesting that earlier British research firm YouGov  found that iPhone owners often want to appear richer than it actually is. The researchers found that one-fifth owner of "smart" device Apple uses on its overdraft credit cards.

In this case, according to analysts, users Android smartphones and BlackBerry earn significantly more. Half of the owners 'apple' phones have an annual income of less than 20,000 pounds per year. Among the users of Android and BlackBerry number of poor people is much lower.

According to British researchers, phones Apple bought insecure people to raise their own status in the eyes of others.

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