Google Watch: A New Gadget in progress!

Little information, and no feature many hypotheses that allow us only to imagine what can be hidden behind the new Google patent that hides the " Google Watch "smartwatch one who immediately raised the interest of many users. Although smart watches there are already on the market and with the exception of a few model Sony have a real sense, a device created and developed by Google might be something they can trust and actually interesting. The picture and the description of the product does not offer a lot of information but you can see how the upper part of the clock, the display can be raised in order to turn the device into a kind of tool for augmented reality.
Considering the interest of Google to Viewdle, a company that operates in the field of Augmented Reality and Face Recognition ,  the registration of the patent does not seem completely random, but not necessarily connected.

Through the lens of the watch may be able to see the world in AR and maybe get additional information by combining the technology created for Google Glass in this tool. Maps, shops, restaurants, information on monuments, real-time translations and much more might be possible addition to the traditional management of call, sms and other options by connecting a smartphone. In short, Google imagines, creates and registers patents, maybe not ever see them, but between Google and the Google Glass Watch the future looks very interesting.

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Nice Technology