Nvidia embraced Open Source (Android Tegra 3) and so it was that?

It was June when Linus Torvalds say that Nvidia was the worst company we have worked with. From these statements are only a few months and the Tegra 3 has not only been chosen for the Nexus 7, device peak in the Tablet of Google, but the same company graphics cards and Mobile SoC seems ready to enter actively into the world of Open Source. Nvidia has announced intentions to release the documentation that should allow developers to work with the Tegra 3 platform, consisting of a core ARM Multicore and graphics subsystems owners.

Tegra 3 being very popular on Android, this statement puts in turmoil community developers. It really is not all that glitters is gold and when the intention is to only release the documentation for the 2D graphics engine, while the 3D graphics have to wait again.

Although it is still early to say that the code of the Tegra 3 will be Open, the next steps of the manufacturer will be critical to understand in which direction it will move Nvidia considering the arrival of Windows 8 Tablet and with the same processor. In short, many new and further developments may be expected for the present and future devices are likely even if we still wait.

Note: obviously the news is related to Android and Tegra 3 is not generally to Nvidia and Open Source.

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