Who invented the ESC key?

Already ESC key on the keyboard commonplace, once there is a need, we will without hesitation to press down, but you know that the key is how to do? The New York Times recently wrote one, we learned that the ESC key inventor of its origin.

In this regard, the New York Times wrote: "the ESC key, was born in 1960 when Bob Bemer, a programmer at IBM is to solve a Tower of Babel problem: computers of different manufacturers use different code to communicate so Bemer invented the ESC key, so that programmers are able to switch from one code to another. Later, with the standardization of computer code (Interestingly, Bemer has played a leading role in this process), the ESC key to gradually change become a 'interrupt' function keys. "Bob Bemer has always been full of worries conscious. Decades ago, he worried about the millennium bug problem. Therefore, represented by the "ESC" key "Escape" is not surprising. Although today's computer has been relatively stable, but many people still do not want it retired. A programmer Bob Frankston says: "really good to have a 'let me escape from this hell' button on the keyboard."

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