TSMC will be the supplier for the quad-core Apple

Analysts have long tried to link the interests of Apple and Taiwanese contract chipmaker TSMC. California company is clearly not going to stop the prosecution of Samsung that not only competes with it in the segment of smartphones and tablets, but it is also a supplier of flash drives, processors and other components for the most similar products Apple. Continue the "war" in this state, would be tantamount to purchase ammunition from the enemy.

The research firm Citigroup Global Markets said that TSMC will be the sole supplier of 20-nanometer chips for a new generation of Apple in the next one or two years. According to observers, the U.S. consumer electronics giant has decided to use their new products quad 20-nanometer processors, and TSMC has made good progress in the development of these advanced standards.

Judge JT Su said that Apple began testing the 20-nm process technology TSMC in August of this year, and in November, may issue a pilot batch of processors. Mass printing chips could begin in late 2013 - as a result of significantly increasing the chances that TSMC will increase the cost of capital for the development of capacity to $ 11-12 billion in 2013 and 2014.

Analysts suggest that Apple develops its own quad-core ARM-processors are not just for the Tablet PC iPad, but also for TV iTV, which goes so many rumors, and even for a new series of laptops MacBook. Chips for smartphones iPhone, he predicted, with the transition to the 20-nm dual-core remain to improve energy efficiency.

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