New York Times: wages are too low to staff working at the Apple Store?

It 's an article which will surely argue, one published by the New York Times yesterday, in which it is made ​​known to all readers of the newspaper as employees of the U.S. Apple Store, even the best, receive a salary, and sometimes human very unworthy of the standards that the company's Apple is able to offer in other areas.
An example? The New York newspaper interview the employee Jordan Golson, who in just 3 months has sold more than $ 750,000 (about 600,000 €) of computers and devices at the Apple Store in Salem, New Hampshire, in return, " instead of a bottle of champagne and compliments the company for a job well done ", only 11 U.S. dollars and 25 cents per hour (about 9 €).

The article goes on to explain how the " love affair of Americans with smartphones has created tens of thousands of jobs in department stores ", allowing one to Apple to be a major, if not the main sellers of the United States , money earned for each square meter of its stores .

Yet, there is a significant disparity between the treatment received by 30,000 workers in the Apple Store, which pays about $ 25,000 a year (a little 'less than € 20,000) compared with more than 473,000 each employee each year, usually , that more than double the 206,000 generated on average by other electronics companies and telephone.

To give a hand, so far, the Cupertino company, the presence of a strong corporate culture lovers and fans of employees of the company they work for products that allowed, according to The New York Times, to " do something unique in the annals Trade: pay a modest hourly wage and no fees for employees who usually have a degree and that, at the highest levels, can move well for value close to 3 million dollars a year '.

It seems that something is still moving, and Apple has announced that it intends to proceed with substantial increases to their employees , in the coming months.

The article is very long, detailed and full of very interesting content. It can be found at the following

A reading Sunday, in fact.  source

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