Android and doubles wins China's market share in a few months!

China is one of the most important markets of the world for the smartphone industry and dissemination of operating systems. It's recent news that the market for the first time China has surpassed the United States by number of smartphones sold and the growth does not seem to diminish. To earn so important is that the Android platform has seen a tremendous growth of its market share rising from 33.6% share at the end of Q1 2011, as many as 68.4% at the end of last year.
A huge and growing very quickly that allowed this market to impose itself on other important properties. Accomplice of success is obviously the low cost of Android terminals and manufacturers like ZTE and Huawei, which are very strong in Asian markets.
And Apple in China has never managed to achieve so important to the favors of the public and to establish itself as in other nations. The local operators then go way smartphones and Android devices allowing for rapid diffusion. Then Android increasingly Chinese, not only for components used in the devices, but also as activations on the world market.

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