U.S. cellular operators will block the stolen iPhone

Major mobile operators providing telecommunications services in the U.S., agreed with the government to create a central database of stolen mobile phones, Including the iPhone.
The base, which will establish and maintain providers, will monitor the communicators to be claimed as lost or stolen, and to deny them services, communications, according to BFM, with reference to The Wall Street Journal. The project idea is to make the most difficult or even impossible to use such devices.

"New technologies create new risks. We want to reduce the cost of the stolen smartphone "- said Julius, head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Mobile phones, which will declare the theft of their owners, will be entered into the database using a unique identification number (IMEI) device. Companies will create a unified database for the year.

Currently, U.S. operators Verizon and Sprint are already blocking the smartphone, which, as they are told, were stolen. But providers of AT & T and T-Mobile is not doing this. However, according to a new contract, all four companies will commit to maintaining the database and locked phones.
In addition, you can flash the phone stolen, so this measure would be useless.

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