French designer designs for the Apple “revolutionary product”

Apple cooperates with the renowned French designer Philippe Starck to create a new "revolutionary" product, whose appearance is expected in about 8 months, According to French publication Le Figaro. According to the designer, he has long worked with the manufacturer of the iPhone and the iPad and by the end of the year can be expected to release a new product.
Stark argues that in view of the "cult of secrecy" at Apple, he still can not talk about specific details. In an interview with the artist said that he regularly met with Steve Jobs when he was still alive and still occasionally go there to support the widow Jobs Lonen Powell.

After an interview with the designer, many publications have begun to wonder about what it is for the product prepared in the bowels of Cupertino. The most obvious answer is the television iTV, which became known from the biography of Steve Jobs, who has not had time to see it on sale. The release device is expected in time for the end of the year.
It is assumed that this will be a futuristic device that combines entertainment center, game console and the TV itself. Different analysts have attributed to him the contactless integrated controller, the system voice control Siri, but Apple itself has traditionally remained silent and did not comment on rumors of a not yet released products. However, we can talk not about the TV, and a remote control and interface to it.

Of course, there's the iPhone 5, which is expected to release in October. According to some reports, the next generation Apple smartphone will get a shell made from a solid piece of aluminum, a similar case laptop MacBook Pro. According to insiders, the communicator must receive a 4-inch screen and a modified design. Probably a new device to iOS will come with quad-core processor and an updated version of the A6 voice assistant Siri.
It should be noted that the reporters from Gizmodo noticed quite a strange choice for Apple lead designer. Until now, "apple" products are distinguished by classical terseness and ergonomics, while the masterpieces of Stark's reminiscent of the "vision of the future homemaker of the 1960s." Previously, the designer has already participated in the creation of a whole range of devices and objects, from chairs to electric. In an earlier interview he said that he would be interested to do the design tablet, headphones and external hard drives.

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