French perfumers developed a perfume with the smell of MacBook Pro

Any manufacturer of electronic products understand the importance of good packaging. And it's not just about high-quality cardboard or image from the outside. As the theater begins with a hanger and user experience of the product begin with the packaging - how beautiful she is, thought out, convenient, easy to unpack.
If there is another important parameter - the smell. Anyone who is unpacked MacBook Pro, ever smell the newness and freshness of the brand new computer Apple, which, unfortunately, quickly weathered.

So, three Australian artists have won perfume with the scent of "apple" laptop, allowing to spread a pleasant fragrance.

For his new show Australians have ordered from the company Air Aroma special smell, which exude a portable machine Apple. To this end they sent to France a sealed copy of a "poppy" for the study.

The company, which develops perfumes, noted that the order is very unusual, but they coped with the task. The project used the unique recipes that have passed many stages of testing.
As a result, the Australians got scent of MacBook Pro, which "contains notes of glue, plastic, rubber and paper."

The quality and properties of spirits viewers will appreciate the show, during which a special device called Aroslim will spray perfume. Presentation will be held during the exhibition De facto Standard, which will be held in Melbourne from April 20 to May 12.
Will perfume stores supplied in the official Apple Store, not specified.

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