High school students to buy the iPad to sell their kidneys leading to three disabled

Buy "Apple mobile phones and the iPad 2, 17-year-old high school student Wang online black intermediary arrangements to sell a kidney.

Recently, the introduction of the juvenile to sell their kidneys "black intermediary" Ho Wai Yin Shen, Tang Shimin trio and performed the surgery for Wang "black doctor" Song loyal to the Su Kaizong two Chenzhou City, North Dongting Lake People's Procuratorate on suspicion of intentional The assault is prosecuted. It is reported that this is the first case of illegal trade in human organs case in Chenzhou City, North Dongting Lake court will fix a hearing.

High school students to sell their kidneys just to buy the "Apple"

Hessler for debt, in a dead sleep in, I attempted to reap huge profits through the illegal kidney transplant. He invited Yin Shen looking for illegal transplant kidneys, Yin QQ group found two "donor", in which 17-year-old Anhui high school one is to buy the iPad 2 and "Apple" phone Wang. For Hessler Tang Shimin to find a hospital in Chenzhou male urology contractor Su Kaizong provide transplants convenience.

In late April 2011, the "donor" Wang and kidney transplant recipient has to Chenzhou. Hessler also invited to telephone the province of Urology, Cancer Hospital, deputy director of the doctors Song loyal to the purposes of transplant, and also invited one of the anesthesiologists, surgical assistants and nurses from a hospital. April 28, 2011 at 9 am, He Wei, Yin Shen, Tang Shimin Song loyal to others and "donor" Wang, and "receptor" came to the the Su Kaizong venue, the body of living donor kidney transplants.

To sell their kidneys after he became a three disabled

Later, the "receptor" paid Hessler 150,000 yuan and $ 10,000. Hessler will be $ 10,000 dollars to 66,360 yuan, and 60,000 yuan paid Sukai Zong Song loyal to 52,000 yuan, 13,000 yuan of additional surgery involved, Tang Shimin 10,000 yuan, 03,000 yuan, Yin Shen. Noon of May 2, 2011, the discharge of the "donor" Wang, Hessler gave him 22,000 yuan. Hessler in the trading profit of 56,360 yuan.

Surgery, Wang's physical condition is getting worse, and check the results of renal insufficiency, were identified, their injuries constitute serious injuries, three disabled.

The merits Focus: "Children sell their kidneys case will sue

Previously, a 17-year-old boy to sell their kidneys to buy Apple phone news triggered a heated online debate, but also caused great concern of the Prosecutor.

Chenzhou City, the prosecution believes that: the Su Kaizong for the sake of interest, knowingly to make human living donor kidney transplants, the hospital has no qualifications, and still promised to provide the operating room to Hessler. Song loyal to and other medical staff before surgery and surgery in violation of the provisions of the Human Organ Transplant Ordinance, not to verify the basic situation of the "donor" Wang whether minors, they removed the right kidney of Wang. Wei, Yin Shen, Tang Shimin Song loyal to, Su Kaizong five people violated the provisions of Article 234 (2) of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China "intentional assault to the Court. At the same time, another prosecution of four criminal suspects for examination and prosecution.

Parties: why the high school boys to sell their kidneys?

'Buy' Apple ', but lack of money "

Wang is from Anhui, and the time of the incident high a student. Today his stomach on the left you can see traces of the needle, a kidney, which are derived from access to the Internet to sell their kidneys intermediary.

"At the time you want to buy one the iPad 2, but no money in the Internet, to sell their kidneys intermediary to send a message to say that selling a kidney can give me 2 10000. April 2011, Wang went behind her parents in the intermediary arrangements under Chenzhou came from Anhui. Three people claiming to sell their kidneys intermediary with Amy to the hospital for a thorough examination. April 28, Wang arranged by the intermediary particular hospital male urology surgery, Wang has been to sell their kidneys to 2.2 yuan.

After the money, Wang immediately to buy a "Apple" mobile phones and the iPad, and then returned home in Anhui. A home mother discovered the flaw. "He brought a computer, Apple phone, how can there be so much money? He said he sold the kidney."

Found his son a kidney was removed, and mother Sharon immediately catch the train arrived at the Chenzhou reported the matter with Wang Wang provided to intermediaries to sell their kidneys in three of the police phone, however, never opened machine.

According to media surveys Wang surgery hospital said the right to sell their kidneys are not informed of the hospital now has the male urology hospitals contracted out to a Fujian merchant.

Reporter's notes: Do not let vanity Hailiaohaizi

For a trendy "apple" phone, the children choose to sell their kidneys. "Apple" Mobile is the necessities of life? Of course not, it is the child's desire unlimited expansion was a result of this extreme events. After all, it may more of a face, vanity at work.

The living conditions of children requirements have gone up more and more serious, the phenomenon of mutual competition. A survey shows that one child in 20% there is a strong vanity reasons for its formation from the family. Parents are always afraid the child wronged, the children were always responsive, always love to talk about the child's strengths, to cover up their shortcomings.

Life as a ten thousand meters long-distance running, we want your own child to the first 100 meters more than others, or to the accumulation of physical strength slowly accelerate beyond this issue deserves all parents thinking.

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