The new iPhone will be equipped with 1GB of memory? The new iTouch code leaked!

Apple has released the new the iPad, and now have also coming out on the next generation of iPhone and iPod Touch news. First of all, the new iPhone, as did last year, Apple has begun internal testing the next generation iPhone, just the appearance of still using the design of the iPhone 4. But what is certain is that the appearance of the next generation iPhone will certainly change, in order not to leak occurs, Apple chose the next generation iPhone parts installed in the iPhone shell test.

Apple test project is the performance of various A5X processor in the iPhone. A5X processor is the first time in the new iPad, in order to support the new Retina display, so the chip in the iPhone may be just in order to enhance graphics processing speed. To be sure, equipped with the new iPhone A5X processor is also S5L8945X architecture, which means that the next generation iPhone will be equipped with 1GB of memory. The iPhone with A5X processor only in the performance of the internal testing of the new chip in the iPhone, and can not mass production.
For the new iPod Touch, our expectations may be larger. IPod Touch just last year, an increase of the white version, there is no change of appearance and configuration. But now it seems Apple did not give up the iPod Touch. File according to the iOS 5.1, Apple is the codename of the fifth generation of the iPod Touch is the iPod 5,1. We do not know any hardware on the new iPod Touch. For the iPod 5,1 iPod Touch may be the internal code name of the iPod Touch is the iPod 4,1, so whine is a major update, maybe the iPod Touch will with A5X processor, after all, the iPod Touch is currently on the market's most popular game equipment. 
Very difficult to guess the time of the release of the new iPod Touch iPod 5,1 code, but Apple seems to have iOS devices Date transferred to the autumn, in September-October this year, we may see a new design of the iPhone and iPod Touch, let us wait and see!

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