Qualcomm and Nvidia at loggerheads with TMSC, next to 28Nm chips entrusted to Samsung?

Two of the largest U.S. chipmaker, Qualcomm and Nvidia , are beginning to reckon with a poor yield of the production 28Nm carried out by TMSC , Taiwanese semiconductor company to which they refer many organizations in the field. Already last month came forward signals determined by Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, who said in Forbes hope that establishments Intel could "accommodate" the production of the next (SoC Tegra 4) and Kepler GPU to 28Nm. Vain hope given the response of the lapidary home in Santa Clara:

Thanks, but no thanks

TMSC has therefore serious problems in the manufacturing shift to a more sophisticated architecture and is the right partner with which to face future challenges in the mobile industry. For this reason the search started for an alternative that may provide greater safety and the names circulating are the United Microelectronics, Global Foundries and even Samsung , which relies on the structures of Austin, Texas, in the further modernization and expansion.
Be noted that Nvidia stands to lose more with Tegra SoC and 4 GPUs Kepler just waiting to start production for a market introduction in early next year as announced on the roadmap . A delay would be really catastrophic and would leave the field open to emerging reality with better means as Intel , colossus that may rely on its facilities and is already producing in large volumes to 22Nm. No small advantage.
TMSC, meanwhile, is investing huge sums to adapt to the situation and, if it has to deal with the discontent of Nvidia and Qualcomm, can also enjoy the positive approach of recent Apple and AMD obviously aim at different targets. The chipset market will be even more busy in the months and Intel, which is emerging only now seriously in the mobile sector, could be a real thorn in the side.

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