A rare prototype Macintosh with 128k floppy 5.25 "for sale on Ebay for $ 100,000

Ebay, as often happens, it becomes the ideal window to go back in time, discovering products that have made ​​the history of major companies like Apple . Sometimes the items offered include prototypes that were never marketed. It 's the case of a tender, still active, on a rare example of Apple Macintosh with a feature that will not go unnoticed by those who understand the products of the house in Cupertino. Instead of the traditional 3.5 "floppy drive, in fact, model is 5.25 " . The detail might seem secondary if it were not for the fact that the Macintosh was sold in 1984 used only the 3.5 "floppy. The present owner of the device proposed at a price of no less than $ 100,000. While the outlay is considerable, a look at the photos below do not cost anything.
According to reports by the owner or the Macintosh, the keyboard is said to be authentic part of the prototype and the device would be operating, while requiring a boot disk after switching.
At the time there were no more offers to buy the prototype, as anticipated at the outset, it is not affordable for all budgets. For more information of sale, please click this address .

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