Top 10 reasons Nokia Lumia 900 will not defeat the Apple’s iPhone

The U.S. technology magazine eweek today said Nokia Lumia 900 does not beat Apple's iPhone, and lists 10 kinds of reasons, the article reads as follows: the upcoming Nokia's Lumia 900, already highly competitive U.S. smart phone market will face more competition.
Allegedly, Nokia will offer consumers launched blue, black or white Lumia 900 mobile phones, perhaps this will be a can pose a potential threat to Apple's iPhone, a product, but may not be the case, consumer Nokia's favor as they used to, and Lumia 900 itself, the phone, may also not work with Apple's iPhone comparable to, after all, Apple's iPhone is undoubtedly the market's top smartphone. All in all, from the following 10 reasons Lumia 900 will not be able to beat the iPhone.
1. after all, Lumia 900 to take a look at Nokia's market share from Nokia , we can find the company's market share has been declining rapidly, therefore, almost no one believes Lumia 900 can beat the iPhone, which is not surprising . Throughout the global mobile phone market, Nokia is losing consumer appeal, However, if only by virtue of a cell phone will be able to change this situation, terror difficult to achieve, especially under the situation of the need to challenge the iPhone in Lumia 900.
2. of WP7 is difficult to force Do not forget, Lumia 900 mobile phones, Nokia's configuration WP7 operating system, this system may only be a small part of consumer understanding and concern. WP7 is a very valuable operating system, which is almost undisputed, but after all, is not Apple iOS Thus, users have the possibility of coming to trial WP7 system market does not, therefore, equipped with WP7 system Lumia 900 phone the likelihood of success also will not be much.
3. the price is difficult to attract users to some people may say, the two-year contract period, Nokia Lumia 900 smart phones priced at only $ 100, Nokia may attract more users, but the situation may not be the case, Apple's iPhone is almost has become the gold standard on the market, the retail price of $ 200, perhaps, any one priced below $ 200 phone looks are unable to replace the iPhone, and certainly not another Lumia 900.
4. Nokia strange design concept to be ineffective if the Lumia 900 and Apple iPhone 4S design aspects of the comparison, we can find Lumia 900 came close to adopting a child like design style. iPhone 4S has a beautiful design, able to attract the user's eye, Lumia 900 Nokia smart phone, select the color and the WP7 equipment on the market, perhaps, the Nokia to focus on what the mobile phone product design problem.
5. Application of WP7 one of the biggest problem is the lack of application. The WP7 current number of applications has reached about 50000 models, however, the number of applications for Apple App Store should be more. If Microsoft is able to solve the application problem of inadequate, perhaps, any one of the WP7 operating system based devices, both will be eliminated from the market.
6. the publicity is not enough perhaps Lumia 900 mobile phones, Nokia is about to launched in the near future, but it is still uncertain. Unfortunately, the Nokia for so many years has been to master the art of propaganda. In contrast, Apple, once the new products coming to market, almost all talk at length about this product. If Nokia can not initiate promotional activities, the success of Lumia 900 mobile phone will face difficulties.
7. AT & T Nokia Lumia 900 smartphone will only run in the AT & T's network. Today, intense competition on the market, some smart phones almost want to run all of the operator's network, the likelihood of success of such products will be greatly increased, even Apple's iPhone, although he was only in the AT & T, a network running, but now, Apple's phone has been also put to the Verizon and Sprint networks. Perhaps, the way of the exclusive operation of the network will be difficult to provide sufficient power for the success of the Lumia 900.
8. And LTE into the iPhone a threat to someone, Lumia 900 smartphone trump card is the 4G LTE network connectivity. Apple iPhone 4S lack of functionality and high-speed network connection, but users do not forget, the iPhone smart phones do not hesitate to increase the 4G LTE network connectivity, this mobile phone market, it may kill the Lumia 900 to win the smartphone market share of all opportunities.
9. the barriers to success to increase the judgment of the success of the mobile market is not very easy. Samsung's mobile devices are widely seen to have been successful, although some of its individual products, shipments are still unable to be comparable with the iPhone. However, Nokia, Lumia 900 of the barriers to success have increased, because the market for Nokia mobile phones have high expectations, after the market has been that, Lumia 900 Apple iPhone killer, but if Nokia can not achieve this goal , then it will be reduced to a loser, no doubt, failure of product is not to stifle the market's top products.
10. U.S. consumers do not attach importance to the other parts of the world market, Nokia in the mobile space has a number of successful performance, but also very common, but in recent years, Nokia seems to have been the neglect of the consumer, especially in the U.S. The market is especially true in the U.S. market, those who aspire to more advanced equipment users ignore the fact that Nokia's products. This alone, the kind that say Lumia 900 will beat the iPhone will be scotched. Apple is the hero of American consumers, it must not forget that.

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