Mac OS X: how to free space on your hard disk erasing

When you delete a file on the hard disk of your Mac, then the file via Finder not found. The file is still present just on the hard disk. When deleting a file is a flag placed in the file so this is no longer visible, the data is still present on the hard disk until it is overwritten by other data. With the help of a recovery application there is the possibility of the deleted files retrieved by wismar barrier in the file system to remove.
A file so what you have deleted is not immediately disappear from your hard drive but will really be lost if the available disk space is overwritten with new data.

If you work with sensitive information than it is with the Mac OS X disk utility possible to become available disk space to overwrite with zeros. This makes the recovery of applications not possible to retrieve deleted files from the hard disk.

You can do this as follows:

1. Open Disk Utility and select your hard disk.

2. Click on the tab 'Clear'

3. Click the "Erase Free Space ..."

4. You can now set how often the freed disk space must be overwritten with zeros. You have to override the choice of 1, 3 or 7 times. In most cases, 3 times overwriting the best solution that meets the safety of the U.S. Department of Energy.

5. Click the button "Erase free space" to start the process.

While executing your Mac will react slower because much disk activity will occur. The duration of the process depends upon the number of times data is overwritten and the current free disk space.

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