iPhoto with Dropbox or Google Drive

The online storage services like Dropbox and Google drive are becoming increasingly popular, this is mainly due to the fact that the files you place on such a service anywhere in the world are approachable and can be automatically synchronized between all your different devices.
It is also possible to use the iPhoto library in combination with DropBox or Google drive. When you use this picture library you will always have the same content as the changes are automatically synchronized.

If you want to move the iPhoto library to an online storage service then you move the library. By default, iPhoto photo library stored in the folder:

home Images iPhoto library.

The 'iPhoto Library' you can use the Finder to easily move or copy Dropbox or Google drive. After it is copied, double click on the 'iPhoto Library' and iPhoto will automatically open the library from the Google Drive or Dropbox folder.

When the library opens, you can correct any of the original 'iPhoto Library' removal from the home. If iPhoto when you start the wrong 'iPhoto Library' to open the library or not able to find then close iPhoto and start it again with the option key. This gives you the ability to manually select the photo library.

To synchronization errors with the photo library to avoid it is recommended that the iPhoto application only open on a Mac simultaneously.

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