Mac OS X: A 'forgotten' password in Single User mode

When Mac OS X automatic login is disabled you will only have access to your Mac using your username and password types. If for whatever reason this password "lost" his hit than it is through the Single User mode possible to change the password without knowing the old password.
Naturally you can also perform this procedure on a different user than your own. This is useful if you have purchased a used Mac and password (no longer) know.

Take the following steps to change a user password.

1. Connect your Mac and turn it on again with the cmd + S keys until a black screen with white text appears.

2. Use the following command to mount OS X:

mount  -uw  /
4. Start the daemon open directory:

launchctl load / System / Library / LaunchDaemons /
5. Use the command below for a list of users who use your Mac:

ls  / Users
6. Then use the dscl command to change the password, replace "user" by the name of the user in step 5 and change 'password' in the password for this user what you want to use.

dscl. passwd  / Users / user password
After changing the command it is possible that an error occurs, this can be ignored.

7. Leaves below the single user mode with reboot command:

After leaving the Single User mode, the graphical interface of Mac OS X will appear and you can login with the username and password you obtained in step 6 is entered.

A reset of password gives you access to your Mac again, however, remains the keychain access is closed, this can only be unlocked using the original password set.

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