Designer user interface Apple took a job at Facebook

According to the website The Next Web, a former developer of user interfaces to Apple Vildreyer Chris joined the Facebook social network four months after he left the Cupertino company.
The Apple Vildreyer led the development of application interfaces iWeb and Numbers. His name is also mentioned in a number of patents Apple.

According to the profile in LinkedIn, Vildreyer has the skills in industrial design, interaction design and development of user interfaces. In Facebook, he was appointed manager of product design. Division of Personnel social networks some time ago posted a vacancy.

It is assumed that Vildreyer will work on creating a corporate Facebook smartphone social networking site, which can be submitted later this year. In May, according to The New York Times, the company hired to work a few former employees of Apple, who participated in the development of software technology and stuffing for the iPhone, as well as an engineer, working on the iPad.
This is the third attempt to release its own smartphone Facebook. For the first time the company started work in this direction in 2010, but then the project was not implemented. In 2011, the social network in collaboration with HTC tried to make the device under the name of Buffy. Now the company has decided to once again step up their activities in this direction.

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