Facebook brings online application store App Center

Facebook launches online application store App Center for the dissemination of programs designed to work in social networks. Members of the largest in the world of social networking will find the software through the activity of their friends, view them by category and get personalized recommendations. When a user installs the application, his approval rating in the search results for his friends increased.
«App Center will help to increase software quality by promoting the most popular. It will include all kinds of social programs, including a site created for Facebook.com, mobile platforms iOS and Android, as well as web-based applications, "- says the representative of Facebook, Bruce Rogers.

Allowed in the App Center will only applications that meet certain requirements, including the absence of excessive amounts of promotional material and significant errors, as well as a high user rating.

In the online shop Facebook will be distributed both free and paid releases. Pay the program is expected to significantly increase opportunities for both third-party developers and Facebook to the most profit.
According to the developers, the store is already available to users in the U.S. on Facebook, as well as in social network applications for the Android platform and iOS. If a user browses the App Center from your computer, it can send the tool to your smartphone or tablet. If the mobile application requires a special boot mode, the store will redirect the user in online shopping App Store or Google Play.

Simultaneously with the launch of the users will be available to more than 600 applications, including, Nike + GPS, Ubisoft Ghost Recon Commander, Stitcher Radio, Draw Something, and Pinterest. In the future, the number of programs in the online store will grow.

Facebook does not specify when the App Center will be available to users in other countries, however, promises to provide this information in the coming weeks.

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