[Microsoft] We have developed a phone with a touchscreen for 16 years before Apple

Many believe that the iPhone is the first phone with a touchscreen and a "finger friendly" interface. Of course, the brainchild of Steve Jobs' role in the development of touchscreen phones is huge. iPhone formed a market for such devices, then each new model in the form factor monoblock correspondence compared with the product Apple.
However, even before the iPhone was very interesting devices equipped with touch screen. And hardly any of them there are two similar phone - so much so a variety of ideas have been incorporated. This is after the "apple" communicator all the devices in this class are pretty much the same.

One of the companies developing touchscreen phone, has been, and Microsoft. Few people know that she was almost 16 years ahead of Apple's phone iPhone. At least, so says the Redmond corporation officer Nathan Myhrvold. According to him, he was back in 1991 has developed a mobile phone with a touchscreen.

The gadget would allow control over the schedule, use the GPS and serve as a device for wireless communications - to provide access to e-mail, fax and pager. However, it required the creation of Microsoft's too much effort, and the company rejected the idea of ​​an engineer. Myhrvold believes that his phone would be priced at U.S. $ 400-1000.

“Microsoft, of course, could do more - he said. - One of the greatest qualities that Apple and Jobs were very good, that they dared to do really extraordinary things. “

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