GooPhone 4S: Counterfeiting iPhone 4S with Retina display

I already have several copies of iPhone, cons-more or less successful ways but they all had an unstoppable default also the aesthetic! Nothing uglier than an iPhone 4 or 4S supposed to be offering HD as a bitmapped image on an iPhone 3G right? Chinese counterfeiters have now reached a new milestone with the 4S GooPhone now offering a Retina Display screen!
This copy iPhone 4S is equipped with a system Android MTK6575 CPU 1GHz, 512MB more RAM, you can choose from 8GB or 16GB of storage. The GooPhone 4S features a 5MP camera HD plus a 1.3MP front camera, and its main feature is to have the real touch screen multitouch Retina Display Apple.
Discover the GooPhone 4S video:
You can choose when purchasing this copy, a value between 160 to 200 €, or not to add the apple on the back of Apple .
I do not encourage in any way to buy this type of counterfeit product , this is punishable by law, you may, besides confiscation of counterfeit goods, a fine ranging from one to two times the value of being authentic and imprisonment up to three years. These penalties can range up to a fine of five times the value of the object and to imprisonment for ten years when the infringement is subject to a real traffic by an organized gang.

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