Why is USB-charging Apple is so expensive?

Apple is famous for its high margins on its peripheral devices. Another example - USB-adapter for charging iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, which is the official site the Company, is worth $ 30. At the same time matching the characteristics and component-based charger from Samsung is sold for just $ 4. Why such a tiny Apple-gadget is so expensive?
American Ken Ham Shirriff decided to disassemble the charging Apple and see what components are installed on the device and that the impact on its price.

The experiment revealed that the "apple» USB-adapter is equipped with high-quality voltage stabilizer. At the same time Apple has taken care to reduce the electromagnetic radiation in order to protect neighbors from noise gadgets. The internal construction is significantly different from similar models from Samsung and other manufacturers, says an expert.
Ham said the highest quality components to build a miniature adapter - it is almost impossible to make even smaller. According to him, this can not be compared with cheap Chinese counterfeit of any quality or safety. The Chinese product is dangerous to use.
Device equipped with a sturdy connectors, as well as protection from overheating and power surges is provided for tripping the circuit.

"Charger for iPhone is compact and contains some interesting engineering solutions. This, coupled with quality and reliable performance, and ultimately ensured the high cost of the adapter ", - concluded the expert.

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