Infinity Blade II Vault of Tears apk v1.2 Download for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

In December 2010 the studio Chair Entertainment in conjunction with Epic Games has released a new project  based on the last engine, Unreal Engine, which in some sense was a revolution for iOS. This is the fastest selling game on the Apple mobile platform called Infinity Blade.
On the one hand, creators Infinity Blade asked a very high standard for all developers of games for smartphones and handheld console. On the other - his example showed that, despite limited resources, it is realistic to produce really high quality projects that are not equal at a given casual bar.

Today went to the public a major upgrade of the second part epic saga for tablets and smartphones iPad iPhone, known as the Vault of Tears. Developers themselves call this update the largest, promising to many exciting new features and improvements.
In addition, the developers promise that it is not far off the third update of the Battle Group, which will reveal more secrets of the tower. As before, all the new content is available free of charge to those who bought the game earlier. Right now, download Infinity Blade II can be priced at only $ 2.99.
Infinity Blade II for iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad Download from App Store.

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