Leap innovative style controller for Mac Microsoft Kinect (VIDEO)

Leap is a small USB box to connect to the Mac can detect the movements made ​​by the user in a manner very similar to Kinect , the accessory developed by Microsoft for the Xbox 360. Leap then allows you to control the UI gesture performed without physically touching the mouse and keyboard.
The algorithms for the recognition of movements would be accurate so as to enable detection in a much more accurate than similar devices. The detection accuracy would be so high as to allow also the handwriting recognition. The eloquent video that we offer then begins to ignite the curiosity of those seeking the latest technological gadgets.
Leap is currently in pre-order at the manufacturer'swebsite and is priced at $ 75, although there is still no exact date for the start of marketing. We are obviously not capable of ensuring that the description of the manufacturer actually corresponds to the true, especially as regards the detection accuracy and the actual use in the scenarios described in the suggestive video. The idea is certainly interesting.  by

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