Microsoft will launch its Office suite for iPad next November

That the upper floors of Microsoft is working hard on a version of Office for iPad news is virtually certain, but less secure are the rumors around for some time on the probable date of release in the App Store. As reported from BGR, a very reliable source would "spill the beans" that Microsoft is currently at work on this mobile version of Office and the release for Apple devices, - so for iPhone and iPad - (but also for Android tablet ), is scheduled for November 2012.
The source claims to have seen with their eyes turn a beta version of an iPad and its interface is virtually identical to that shown by the Daily a few months ago . The assumption of a universal, so also compatible with Apple's smartphone, comes from the words "Office for iOS" shown on the screen during the loading phase.
For now these are the only information available to the BGR, but if there was any news we will immediately update the article.

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