Microsoft Students: Buy a PC on Windows 7 and get a free Xbox 360

Microsoft has announced the return of an attractive program, including the owners of the Mac. Now when you buy any PC running Windows 7 users receive a free game console Xbox 360.
For the first time such a proposal was made ​​by Microsoft in the past year , and then the Xbox 360 was more urgent. Unfortunately the majority, this action, which will be held in the United States and Canada from May 20, applies only to pupils and students. In order to participate in it must provide proof that the buyer is not. To participate in the action may be in stores Best Buy,, Fry's Electronics,, proprietary networks, and Microsoft Store, and from the Canadian side - Best Buy,, Future Shop, Staples and The Source.
Free distribution of the Xbox 360 in exchange for the purchase of a computer from Microsoft - Sony's main rival in the market of gaming consoles - obviously associated with some decline of interest in PCs running Windows. And, given the imminent release of Windows 8, are not really the best time to buy a laptop with Windows 7. However, as early as next month, Microsoft will launch specially designed to make the transition to a new platform update program.
It is also worth noting that this practice is not typical for Microsoft, in contrast to Apple, and is due to exceptional circumstances. The latter has long attracted the attention of pupils and students by offering a discount of $ 199 on your iPod when you buy a Mac.

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