Samsung Galaxy S3 disappoint?

One of the most heated debates right now about the Samsung Galaxy S3 (S III), which was finally announced in a blaze of publicity last week. Although initial impressions were promising, it seems that now many potential customers will feel a bit 'disappointed and are beginning to wonder if there is no need to wait for the new iPhone 5.
Looking at the numerous comments on the articles published in major technology blogs there seems to be a bit 'of general discontent, considering the new Galaxy S III only an incremental upgrade and not a serious evolution.

A few examples: many expected 2 GB of RAM, as widely anticipated by the rumors, but the Galaxy S4 remained to 1GB. The Voice does S appear to be seen as a factor in many SIRI to compete without any added value compared to the latter. A lot of people were hoping for a 10 or 12 megapixel camera and S3 was left with a 8 megapixel camera.

As for design, this has been the subject of much criticism with comments that have never cried a "wow". He expected a shell of the phone with innovative materials, water and impact resistant. In short, all things considered the price is not just competitive, has brought forth a little 'controversy, and many potential customers are a bit' disappointed and about to turn away from the Galaxy S3 to buy another Android phone or wait for the iPhone 5 .

And you, you were disappointed by the new Galaxy S3? Purchase the new phone or wait for new models including the iPhone 5?

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