Shooter NOVA 3 apk v1.0.0 looks at the iPad 2 is better than the new iPad

Due to the increased resolution of four iPad (2048 × 1536), many games on the screen look better, but the owners found a gadget that in the case of graphics rich shooter NOVA 3 Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance  is not.
Previously, the company GameLoft stated that NOVA 3 is able to unlock the full potential of the third generation iPad tablet, equipped with a super fine screen and quad graphics subsystem. The quality and texture drawing militants are on the highest level, no yielding, and even winning a game console. However, according to Cnet, the second generation iPad users can see better graphics, not available to owners of the third tablet. Screenshots confirm the absence of some notable effects.
N. O. V. A. 3 on  the iPad 2: a burning building, smoke
N. O. V. A. 3 for the  iPad 3: t of the building seems to be just as devastated

This situation is explained by the fact that at the last iPad game starts at full resolution 2048 × 1536, while on the old - with a resolution of 1024 × 768. Increased by half the power of graphics in the iPad 3, obviously, not on the drawing as  high-quality  images. Therefore, Gameloft turned off some of the effects that enhance the cinematic, as well as lighting and particles, adding detail the game world.
N. O. V. A. 3 on  the iPad 2 (with the effect of depth of field)
N. O. V. A. 3 for the  iPad 3 (without the effect of depth of field)

However, this problem is temporary: Gameloft promises that adds the ability to  select the  graphics mode in the NOVA 3 on the last tablet Apple, so players will be able to include either a native resolution of a number of effects disabled, or low resolution with full effects. The combination of high resolution and effects, as the developers, is impossible.

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